When we give God the glory for the great things He has done, it only takes a spark for people to know we are Christians by our love.
If you grew up in church during the 70s, I’m pretty sure you know how I came up with that opening sentence for this week’s article. You might even be “thanking” me for getting one (or all three) of the songs I referenced stuck in your head. You’re welcome.
I didn’t choose that opening sentence because I was strolling down memory lane. I actually put a lot of thought into it because a) the three songs I’m referencing verbalize everything we can and should be as members of God’s family, and b) because I cannot think of a better way to express how excited I am about upcoming event for the women of Phelps County.
It is the “Phelps County Women of Faith Event.” This four-hour event will be held on Saturday, March 22, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
It is being hosted by St. James Marketplace Cafe & Tutte Le Cose Rosati.
This event is for women of all ages and denominations. So, if you enjoy praising God, hearing a message from his Word, and fellowshipping with the women who are your friends and neighbors (and those who will become your friends that day), then this is where you need to be.
The “Phelps County Women of Faith Event” begins at 9 a.m. with a brief time for fellowship. From there we will move into a time of praise and worship, a message from God’s Word, and a special time of prayer. This will be followed by a delicious lunch prepared by our hostess, Deb Branson, so no worries, there, right?! NOTE: There will be a $10 charge for the meal/drink, which you can pay upon your arrival.
After lunch there will be time to do something most of us enjoy. Shopping!!! There will be a few local vendors offering things we gals enjoy most – lotions and other self-care products, flowers, candles, jewelry, books and a few other goodies. There will also be drawings for door prizes and everyone who attends will receive a special gift to take home.
Registration for “The Phelps County Women of Faith Event” is easy and can be done one of three ways.
1: You can simply post a comment on the St. James Marketplace Cafe Facebook page under the event announcement. https://www.facebook.com/St.JamesMarketplaceCafe
2: You can call Deb at the St. James Marketplace Cafe & Tutte Le Cose Rosati, 417-505-9590.
3: Just scan the QR code included today which will take you to the Google Registration Form.