Black Women Are Becoming The Face Of Pilates

By Opening Their Own Pilates Studios, Black Women Are Becoming The Face Of The Mind-Body Movement
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Long before Pilates became synonymous with monochromatic athleisure and slender white bodies, a Black woman named Kathy Grant reshaped the celebrated practice. Growing up in 1920s Boston, Grant pursued a dance career despite racial barriers, performing with legends like Bill “Bojangles” Robinson and Carmen De Lavallade, and later pioneering Black representation in movement at The Dance Theater of Harlem and beyond. A knee injury led her to Joseph Pilates—the German physical trainer behind this transformative exercise—in 1954, when his system of exercises inspired her and ignited a lifelong passion. As one the few students certified by Pilates himself, Grant spent the next 50 years teaching a signature, body-centered approach that empowered students worldwide.

Although Pilates was designed for all bodies, many still consider it an exclusive practice made for and dominated by slim, affluent white women—a stereotype reinforced by limited media representation and America’s exclusionary history in fitness and wellness. When Lori Harvey revealed at the 2022 Met Gala that Pilates was her secret to a sculpted physique, her words sparked renewed interest among Black women, yet long before, Kathy Grant and generations of Black women were already pioneering change in the Pilates world. Today, dedicated Pilates studio owners like Tiffany Lauren Mason of Harlem Pilates, Tabatha Russell of tabPILATES & Bodyworks Center in Chicago, and Camai Brandenberg of Embody Pilates in Los Angeles are redefining the narrative, challenging stereotypes, and creating inclusive spaces that prioritize healing, strength, and community.

From Passion to Practice: The Path to Studio Ownership

Mason, Russell, and Brandenberg’s journeys to owning Pilates studios reflect passion, resilience, and an unrelenting vision. Both Mason and Brandenberg—the latter a former D1 track and field athlete—first engaged with Pilates through a burgeoning love of yoga before experiencing their “Aha!” moments with the modality. Similar to Grant, Russell discovered Pilates while teaching as a dance professor in the early ‘90s. It became an essential part of her practice, learning about the system of exercises alongside her students in another teacher’s class and incorporating it into her dance company’s warm-up sessions. Years later, after time away from intentional physical activity while raising her children, she reconnected with Pilates and felt the same transformative spark.

As their love for Pilates deepened, each woman noticed a glaring lack of studios in their own neighborhoods where they, as Black women, felt seen and supported. “I traveled so far to find studios that felt aligned with my values,” Mason shares. Russell, on the other hand, resorted to practicing at home with instructional DVDs and later, online classes. Even becoming certified presented its own obstacles. For Mason and Brandenberg, the certification process could be isolating and disheartening, a trial by fire that would, in time, only strengthen their resolve. “I wanted to build what I felt was missing in this space,” Brandenberg explains.

None of them had ever started, owned, or run a business, making the transition from a dream to a thriving studio a monumental leap that took years of diligent saving, education, and unshakable faith. Their studios now stand as radical, welcoming spaces—a testament to the belief that their communities deserve access to safe, affirming wellness experiences.

Breaking Barriers: Debunking Pilates Misconceptions

“People think there’s some kind of prerequisite—that you have to walk in already ‘knowing’ Pilates or looking a certain way,” Brandenberg says. And she’s not alone in battling these preconceptions. When Russell encourages potential Black clients to schedule a consultation at tabPILATES on Chicago’s South Side, she often hears hesitation. “I get, ‘Are you sure my body will fit on your machine?’” she says. “And my answer is always, yes, every single body can do Pilates.”

The homogenous, media-fed image of Pilates reinforces the misconception that it’s a workout for thin, flexible, white women—a falsehood these studio owners dismantle every day. Brandenberg has noticed that many novices, regardless of race, are convinced Pilates demands a level of strength or flexibility they don’t yet possess. So, at her studio, Embody Pilates, she takes an educational approach with foundational classes that demystify Pilates from the ground up. Students learn how to use the reformer machine, understand Pilates history, and practice in a space where every body, no matter the shape or size, is celebrated. “We’re especially attentive to our new clients,” she notes, working to cultivate an environment where they feel empowered to begin their Pilates journey.

Mason takes a similar approach at Harlem Pilates, offering discounted intro packages for those new to the practice. She understands the intimidation factor. “The machines look alien,” she says, “and people associate Pilates with stretching.” While stretching is a component, Mason emphasizes the strength and balance it brings. Her advice? “Just try a couple of classes. Until you try it, you don’t know,” she encourages. “And if you try it and it’s not for you? That’s okay, too.”

On the Transformative Power of Pilates

For these women, Pilates is more than a workout; it’s a way of life, a practice that has shaped their understanding of movement, healing, and strength. And it’s what keeps them grounded through the challenges of entrepreneurship. Their commitment to self-care and community fuels each studio’s mission, filling a void they felt as students who yearned for representation. Now, they’re inspiring others, especially those who look like them and rarely see themselves reflected in the Pilates world.

Mason cherishes how Pilates has taught her to move with intentionality. “In or out of the studio, just pausing to align my mind, body, and emotions. It’s something everyone should take time to do, and it doesn’t take much,” she says. For Brandenberg, Pilates has transformed her relationship with strength. After years as an athlete, the practice has allowed her to develop a compassionate approach to her body, finding a balance between power and self-connection. “Nothing else connects you to your body like Pilates,” she says, describing the flow state it creates as her mind and vessel move harmoniously.

Russell, meanwhile, sees Pilates as a pathway to functional health. From elite athletes to older clients wanting more mobility, her studio welcomes everyone. “I’m at a [Pilates] conference right now just because of how many Black women are on the panel,” she shares. “I wanted to come and be a cheerleader for these women because I remember a time when I had no one but me. It’s incredible.”


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